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  • School Update January 2021

    Fri 29 Jan 2021 Mrs J L Dickerson

    Dear Parents/Carers,


    School Update January 2021


    Earlier this week the Prime Minister made an announcement about schools indicating that schools will not immediately open after half term but that government's plans for leaving lockdown 'will set out approach to reopening schools'.

    He said that, if the top four priority groups are vaccinated by mid-February, they will have developed immunity by March 8 and in light of this “We hope it will then be safe to reopen schools from March 8.”

    The Prime Minister also sought to reassure families and schools saying that he would give two weeks notice that schools will be re-opening so that there is ample time for arrangements to be put in place.

    In communication this week the government have confirmed that schools will not be required to remain open for critical workers during the half term break meaning that school will finish for half term on Friday 12th February 2021. Lessons will then recommence virtually on Monday 22nd February 2021 with school opening for the children that have critical worker places on the same day.

    In light of the above announcement I wanted to write to you all to update you on aspects of school life whilst we continue to work in this different way.

    On behalf of myself, the staff and governors, I want to acknowledge and thank all parents and carers for the way you have adapted to the new way of learning for your children. This is not an easy time for parents and carers and I want to personally thank you all for the way you have recognised and embraced the new format of lessons for your children.

    Although school remains closed to the majority of our families we are still open to the children of critical workers. The government put together a list of children that should still be allowed to access school due to either vulnerabilities or due to their parent/carer being a critical worker. As a school we have used this list to establish which children should be in school, in comparison to the first lockdown we have five times as many children in school. We understand that some families want their children in school but if they do not meet the criteria, as set out by the government, we have had to refuse the request to ensure we can keep numbers in school as low as possible to help protect the staff and children in school and reduce the risk of transmission amongst our school community.

    The message from the government is still very much, “If you can stay at home, stay at home!”

    Key Stage One and Key Stage Two Update

    The leaders and staff across Key Stage One and Key Stage Two are listening to feedback and we are doing our best to adapt the virtual timetable as we go along to enable us to maximise engagement from children and to help them continue their enthusiasm for online learning.

    As a school we are very much enjoying the feedback on Class Dojo about how children are learning and participating in lessons.


    To help all children get the best from their learning can we please ask that you support your children with the following expectations for online learning, so that they are best prepared for live lessons.

    1. Children should be dressed in appropriate clothing (no nightwear).
    2. Children are to have finished their breakfast/snack/lunch before joining online lessons, they should not be eating during live lessons. We encourage children to have a drink of water next to them in a safe place near the device.
    3. Children should have their equipment ready for the day: exercise books/paper, pen/pencil and their device charged / charger nearby.
    4. Children need to be sat in an environment where they can learn best. If possible somewhere quiet and comfortable with a surface to write on. Children must not be sat on or lying down on beds, this is not appropriate. Children are much more focused if they are sat on a chair at a table rather than on the floor or sofa.
    5. Children should be set up and ready to sign into their zoom link on time.
    6. Children need to be seated during lessons, they should not stand up and walk out of the room during lessons and talk or play with other people in the room. If possible, children should be in a quiet room which has no other distractions such as other family members, pets, televisions or game consoles. This can be distracting for themselves and other children on zoom as occasionally this causes a lot of noise.
    7. Children must have their cameras switched on at all times and directed at their faces. If there is a technical issue with the camera or microphone, please call the office that morning to inform staff. Please also let school know if you are having internet issues before the day starts.
    8. Children should use the toilet before lessons start and during break or lunch time. If they need the toilet during a lesson, they must ask their teacher for permission as they would in school time.
    9. When asked a question by their teacher, children should engage with this and attempt to answer verbally or using the chat box if asked to.
    10.  Children should not change their zoom name to a nickname. This needs to be their first name so the register can be done correctly.
    11.  Children should not use settings such as ‘change my background’ or ‘add emoji’ as again this is distracting and not appropriate.
    12.  Children must complete offline tasks in the allocated time given that day.
    13.  The use of mobile phones are not permitted during an online lesson.

    For safeguarding reasons we must insist that parents and carers do not take any screen shots or photographs of the live lessons as this is not appropriate and would be in breach of our safeguarding policy. We also ask that where parents/carers are in the vicinity of live lessons that appropriate behaviour is used at all times.


    We would very much appreciate your support with the above expectations as this will help the live lessons to run more effectively and enable teachers to teach children to the best quality. We are asking for the same standards of behaviour from the children as they would in school.

    It would be very much appreciated if you could communicate these with your children and discuss expectations with them so they are aware.

    It would also be really helpful if you could:

    • Upload at least one piece of their work that they have completed to Class Dojo daily. This will help their teacher see how they have got on and further support your child if needed.
    • Provide occasional supervision to your child to ensure they are focused and on task.
    • Please encourage your child to work independently and to ask teachers for help if they need this.
    • Please communicate with your child’s class teacher if they are struggling with any of the work provided and they will be able to adapt work to meet the needs of your child and provide any support necessary.
    • Engage with class or school Twitter to celebrate children’s fantastic work.
    • Engage with class dojo to see important updates and to find zoom links.


    Early Years Update

    The remote learning is running really well across early years.  Five lessons are uploaded each day at scheduled times, most of which are recorded videos by the teachers.  We are including a 'storytime' in which different staff across early years are filmed reading a book including support staff which is lovely for the children. 


    Early years home learning relies on parental input and as such we are flexible about when tasks are completed to best suit the needs of your family.  Children in early years need time to apply learnt skills in play and depending upon home routines which do not match the child's old school routine, they may now have their optimum concentration time at different times of the day.  


    Parents across early years are engaging incredibly well with online learning and we are very grateful for all the support you are giving to your children.


    We ask that parents/carers register between 8:30am and 9:30am by answering the register question of the day. For safeguarding reasons we must know the child is safe and ready to learn whether they are in school or at home.  


    The lessons are uploaded as follows:


    Phonics lesson at 9:00am 


    Maths lesson at 10:00am


    Literacy lesson at 11:00am 


    Other subject at 12:00pm 


    Storytime at 1:00pm 


    Can we please ask that you upload your child's work to tapestry when it is requested by the class teacher.  This is important to help the teachers to plan future lessons and to see how we can further support you and your child.


    For safeguarding reasons can we please ask that children in photographs are not wearing pyjamas and that they are fully clothed.   Getting dressed, brushing teeth and eating a good breakfast is a great way to start the day for all children.  



    During this period school still has statutory obligations that must be met, this includes holding virtual governing body meetings to keep governors updated on what is happening in school and in the school community. Our Chair of Governors, Cllr Tariq is currently recovering from COVID-19 and we would like to wish him a speedy recovery. Whilst Cllr Tariq is recuperating our Vice-Chairs, Mrs P Jones-Greenhalgh and Reverend Simon Cook, are covering his duties and supporting the headteacher and leadership of school.


    School Office/Attendance

    As you will be aware from previous correspondence the School Office remains closed to parents and carers as we are not allowing access to the school building.

    The office team are working on a rota basis to reduce numbers in school meaning we have reduced capacity for answering the telephone. If we are unable to answer your call please leave us a message and we will call you back as soon as possible.   Alternatively you can send an email to and the office team will get back to you.

    Office staff working remotely are still making calls to family and it would help us greatly if during the school day you answer calls that show as “No Caller ID".

    If you have a query about your child’s work please can this be sent to the class teacher via Class Dojo.


    The parent support email is still being monitored daily so if you need to contact Mrs Slater our Parent Support Advisor this can be done by emailing


    If you require a device for your child or exercise books please email and one of the office staff will get back to you.


    Free School Meal vouchers will be arranged for the half term week for all families entitled to benefit led Free School Meals.


    Lateral Flow Testing


    From Monday staff in school will start to take part in the Lateral Flow Testing scheme. This will mean that asymptomatic staff will be self-testing for COVID-19 twice a week. (Any staff that have symptoms will continue to be tested as normal at a test centre).


    Staff will be taking the test on a Monday morning and a Thursday morning before school. Should any of the staff test positive the bubble that they work in will have to be closed down. Families will be notified of any bubble closures via email and Parenthub as soon as possible.


    In line with the guidance if a member of staff tests positive using a lateral flow test they must then arrange to have a PCR test at a testing centre. If the result of this test is positive the bubble will remain closed for the remainder of the self-isolation period.


    If the result of the PCR test is negative this means the lateral flow test result was a false-positive and therefore the bubble can be re-opened to all staff and children.



    Kind Regards


    Miss M Michael


  • School Office

    Fri 22 Jan 2021 Mrs J L Dickerson

    School Office


    To further support our efforts in keeping everyone safe during this pandemic the school office will be operating differently from next week.


    The office team will be moving onto a rota system to further reduce the number of staff on site at any one.


    The school office will be open to take calls from 8:30am until 3:30pm. As we will have a reduced number of staff answering the telephones we may not be able to answer immediately so please leave a message and you will be called back as soon as possible.


    Wherever possible can we ask that you email school rather than call to lower the number of calls coming in. The school email address is


    Whilst office staff are working from home they will still be contacting families, these calls will show up as No Caller ID so we ask that you please answer these calls.


    Once again we thank you for your continued support during this challenging time.


    Kind Regards

  • Class Dojo

    Fri 08 Jan 2021 Mrs J L Dickerson


    Thank you to all the families that have accessed Class Dojo already. If you are struggling to access it please contact the school office via telephone or email and they will be happy to help.


    Class Dojo has been set up to enable families to communicate with class teachers if their child is struggling with home learning. Class Dojo will solely be used for curriculum purposes - getting the zoom links, accessing the work, completing the set work and sending it to Teachers, photos of the children sent to the Teachers etc.


    Class Dojo should not be used for enquiries regarding behaviour, SEND or issues outside of school.


    Teachers will reply to messages promptly but it will not be immediate as they will be delivering lessons.


    If you have any urgent queries or concerns you can contact the school office on 0161 764 4988.


    Please note that online learning is compulsory and children must attend the morning and afternoon sessions daily via Zoom with their class teacher.


    If you encounter any technical issues joining the live lessons, please contact the school and in the meantime your child can complete work set online on the following platforms:


    Timestable Rockstars

    Reading Eggs



    In the unlikely circumstance that the school are having technical issues, you will be contacted as soon as possible about this and again, in the meantime whilst this is being investigated, please ensure your child access the activities on the above platforms.


  • Online Learning

    Wed 06 Jan 2021 Mrs J L Dickerson

    Dear Parents/Carers,


    Thank you to all families that have emailed school to request a place in the Keyworker (Critical Worker) provision. The deadline for this has now passed and we are working to setup the bubbles with further information being sent out to families shortly.


    Remote learning for all children that are not in school will start tomorrow morning at 9:30am.


    On Thursday and Friday tasks will be setup on Reading Eggs, Mathletics, Eggspress and Timetables Rockstars. Children can login using any device that can access the internet e.g. mobile phone, tablet or laptop. We ask that children complete all the tasks that they are set.


    From Monday, teachers will be delivering live lessons everyday via Zoom from 9:00am. All children are to join the lessons so all children will need access to a device that can connect to Zoom and somewhere they can sit quietly to take part in the virtual lessons


    The children in school will be carrying out the same work as the children at home.


    To help us support your children’s education during this challenging time it is vital that they access the work and lessons that we are setting up for them.


    Further information and links will be sent out over the next few days.



    Kind Regards

    Miss M Michael


  • Keyworker (Critical Worker) and Vulnerable Children Provision

    Tue 05 Jan 2021 Mrs J L Dickerson

    Dear Parents and Carers,


    Last night we received further guidance from the Government to say that schools must now remain closed to all children other than those of critical workers and those children classed as vulnerable. Details of these groups are in this letter. 

    If children can stay safely at home, they should, to limit the chance of the virus spreading. That is why the government has asked parents to keep their children at home, wherever possible, and asked schools to remain open only for those children who absolutely need to attend.

    The Government has also stated we should all follow the following principles:

    1. If it is at all possible for children to be at home, then they should be.
    2. If a child needs specialist support, is vulnerable or has a parent who is a critical worker, then educational provision will be available for them if no other childcare option is available.
    3. Parents should not rely for childcare upon those who are advised to be in the stringent social distancing category such as grandparents, friends, or family members with underlying conditions.
    4. Parents should also do everything they can to ensure children are not mixing socially in a way, which can continue to spread the virus. They should observe the same social distancing principles as adults.

    Vulnerable children and young people include those who:

    • are assessed as being in need under section 17 of the Children Act 1989, including children and young people who have a child in need plan, a child protection plan or who are a looked-after child
    • have an education, health and care (EHC) plan
    • have been identified as otherwise vulnerable by educational providers or local authorities (including children’s social care services), and who could therefore benefit from continued full-time attendance, this might include:
      • children and young people on the edge of receiving support from children’s social care services or in the process of being referred to children’s services
      • adopted children or children on a special guardianship order
      • those at risk of becoming NEET (‘not in employment, education or training’)
      • those living in temporary accommodation
      • those who are young carers
      • those who may have difficulty engaging with remote education at home (for example due to a lack of devices or quiet space to study) 
      • care leavers
      • others at the provider and local authority’s discretion including pupils and students who need to attend to receive support or manage risks to their mental health


    The list of key workers has now been updated by the Government. The list includes people who work in health and social care; education and childcare; key public services; local and national government; food and other necessary goods; public safety and national security; transport; utilities, communication and financial services.


    Critical workers

    Parents whose work is critical to the coronavirus (COVID-19) and EU transition response include those who work in health and social care and in other key sectors outlined in the following sections.

    Health and social care

    This includes, but is not limited to, doctors, nurses, midwives, paramedics, social workers, care workers, and other frontline health and social care staff including volunteers; the support and specialist staff required to maintain the UK’s health and social care sector; those working as part of the health and social care supply chain, including producers and distributors of medicines and medical and personal protective equipment.

    Education and childcare

    This includes:

    • childcare
    • support and teaching staff
    • social workers
    • specialist education professionals who must remain active during the coronavirus (COVID-19) response to deliver this approach


    Key public services

    This includes:

    • those essential to the running of the justice system
    • religious staff
    • charities and workers delivering key frontline services
    • those responsible for the management of the deceased
    • journalists and broadcasters who are providing public service broadcasting


    Local and national government

    This only includes those administrative occupations essential to the effective delivery of:

    • the coronavirus (COVID-19) response, and the delivery of and response to EU transition
    • essential public services, such as the payment of benefits and the certification or checking of goods for import and export (including animal products, animals, plants and food), including in government agencies and arms length bodies


    Food and other necessary goods

    This includes those involved in food:

    • production
    • processing
    • distribution
    • sale and delivery
    • as well as those essential to the provision of other key goods (for example hygienic and veterinary medicines)



    Public safety and national security

    This includes:

    • police and support staff
    • Ministry of Defence civilians
    • contractor and armed forces personnel (those critical to the delivery of key defence and national security outputs and essential to the response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and EU transition)
    • fire and rescue service employees (including support staff)
    • National Crime Agency staff
    • those maintaining border security, prison and probation staff and other national security roles, including those overseas


    Transport and border

    This includes those who will keep the air, water, road and rail passenger and freight transport modes operating during the coronavirus (COVID-19) response and EU transition, including those working on transport systems through which supply chains pass and those constructing or supporting the operation of critical transport and border infrastructure through which supply chains pass.

    Utilities, communication and financial services

    This includes:

    • staff needed for essential financial services provision (including but not limited to workers in banks, building societies and financial market infrastructure)
    • the oil, gas, electricity and water sectors (including sewerage)
    • information technology and data infrastructure sector and primary industry supplies to continue during the coronavirus (COVID-19) response
    • key staff working in the civil nuclear, chemicals, telecommunications (including but not limited to network operations, field engineering, call centre staff, IT and data infrastructure, 999 and 111 critical services)
    • postal services and delivery
    • payments providers
    • waste disposal sectors


    If workers think they fall within the critical categories above they should confirm with their employer that, based on their business continuity arrangements, their specific role is necessary for the continuation of this essential public service.


    If you are a critical worker or have a child covered by the vulnerable category, and you are unable to make alternative childcare arrangements, please complete the following before 10:00am tomorrow (Wednesday 6th January) to help me in making suitable arrangements for St. Luke’s:


    1. Email with your name, your child’s name and class
    2. Clearly state your job, your employer and the ‘keyworker’ role you have


    We will contact parents and carers of children with a Social Worker or those with an EHCP directly as soon as possible. Please note any children accessing the provision must attend five days a week, we are unable to offer a part time option.

    Please note, if you and your child are already in isolation, then your child may not attend school until the period of isolation is complete.

    Children who do not fall in to these groups should stay at home with appropriate care.

    Once we have made complete lists of the children who fall in to these categories, we will inform you of the arrangements for attending school. We will try our upmost to accommodate all requests for places in the provision in line with Health & Safety requirements and any further updates from the government.

    Please note your child will only be allowed to attend school if they fall in to one of the keyworker groups and you have registered them as such. 

    Thank you for your continued help and support.


    Kind Regards




    Miss M Michael


  • Government Announcement 4.1.2021

    Mon 04 Jan 2021 Mrs J L Dickerson

    Copy of Parenthub message to families sent this evening:


    Good Evening, Apologies for the late message but we wanted to update you as soon as possible following the announcement this evening.  School will now not open to all children on Thursday 7th January as planned. Further information regarding online learning, key worker provision and free school meals will be sent out to you tomorrow.  We thank you for your continued support as we adapt to the changes in guidance. Kind Regards, Miss Michael.
