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Rationale:  At St Luke’s, we believe that computing helps to prepare the children for life in 21st century Britain, encouraging children to develop a greater understanding of technology and the technological world around them. Computing ensures that pupils become digitally literate – able to use, and express themselves and develop their ideas through, information and communication technology – at a level suitable for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world.


Ambition: The curriculum is designed to meet the aims of the National Curriculum. We aim to build high levels of competence in the subject specific skills of:

• Algorithms and Programming – For example: Understanding how to write code and using these skills to program Bee-Bots and create animations on Scratch.

• Information Technology – For example: how to record and edit videos, how to create QR codes and collect and present data in different ways.

 • Digital Literacy – This strand has a heavy focus on E-safety.


What does computing look like at St Luke’s?


We are currently updating our exciting new curriculum for computing - watch this space for more information soon!


Reading and Computing



What has computing got to do with reading? If your child is struggling to read, they aren’t going to be able to access the curriculum. So, please support your child with all of their learning by hearing them read each night. We have plenty of books in our classrooms and library which support our curriculum as well as inspiring your child to enjoy and achieve in all subjects.





How can I support my child’s learning in Computing?


There is lots you can do to help your child with computing. For starters, all children have been given login details to access our online learning programs: Timestable Rockstars and Purple Mash. These will support learning in Maths and Reading. Furthermore, the computing software programs we use in school can be accessed at home, for example, Scratch, Scratch Jr and Kodu. The biggest responsibility parents have though is keeping your child safe whilst they are online. Please make sure you monitor what your child is accessing and that it is age appropriate.




Have a look on Twitter at the fantastic computing work going on at St Luke's: #Stlukesburywidercurriculum
