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  • Home wellbeing survey

    Fri 22 May 2020 Mrs J L Dickerson

    If you are worried about the wellbeing of your child/children during these difficult times, please click here to download our wellbeing survey which you can then complete. If you feel you may need support you can contact our Parent Support Advisor on the email address below.


    If you require any assistance please email Jane Slater at

  • A Special Prayer

    Wed 20 May 2020 Mrs Heywood

    ‪This is such a beautiful prayer written by Noor in 2F. Thank you, Noor for your kind and caring words.‬




  • A special message from the staff at St. Luke's

    Tue 19 May 2020 Mrs J L Dickerson
    Please click here to see a special message from the staff at St. Luke's. Enjoy!
  • Update on School Closure from Bury Council

    Mon 18 May 2020 Mrs J L Dickerson

    Der Parents/Carers,


    Please see the letter below from Councillor T Tariq in relation to the school closure. School will NOT be opening on 1st June 2020. It will remain closed for all children apart from those accessing the child care provision. Thank you.


    An Important message from the Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, Schools & Families


    Dear Head Teacher,


    Covid-19 and the Bury Education Service


    I am writing to you, firstly to place on the public record my sincere thanks and those of our council for your unswerving professionalism and for the dedication of your staff during what is an unprecedented time in the life of Bury, whilst we get to grips with the biggest public health crisis our country has ever seen. 


    Secondly, I want to set out the concerns we have regarding the proposed extensions to the current opening arrangements as proposed by central government.


    The third matter, and one which is of the utmost gravity is to announce I have approval from Bury Council’s Cabinet to not support the government guidance regarding the progressive extension of schools re-opening to more pupils from 1st June 2020.


    I set out below the main themes of my argument;

    From the detailed discussions I have had with the DCS, Karen Dolton, and the Interim Director of Education and Inclusion, Julien Kramer, I have become very clear that there is an unacceptable risk to our pupils, our staff and to the communities of vulnerable people in Bury, if we were to extend the opening of our schools from 1st June as central government had proposed. 


    The North West region and Bury face persistently high levels of new infection, and a significant level of deaths through Covid-19 infection: and we have very high levels of vulnerable individuals within our communities. There are in addition real concerns regarding, Covid-19 testing, availability of PPE, limitations on the proposed Track and Trace, and real concerns regarding the inconsistent level of central government support for our recovery.

    As the lead Member for Children's Services Schools and Families, I feel the heavy responsibility of protecting our education communities; and the wider community. I therefore have approval from Bury Council’s Cabinet to not open schools to a wider intake of pupils from 1st June. I further intend, to lobby our case for a delayed, and more planned restart, with central government through the Secretary of State for Education. We will commit to regularly review this decision if there is clear evidence to suggest any changes around Covid-19 infection rates or if the government brings forward different direction or guidance than it has done currently affecting education. 

    ​I have only praise for the superb professionalism and determination of our Heads, and our staff in Bury schools. Through the daily briefings and from conversations with heads and staff it is clear how resilient the education service is, and how determined colleagues have been to protect the most vulnerable. I thank them for their brave work.


    But I must recognise, both the high level of uncertainty regarding persistent high levels of Covid-19 infection in the North West; and the widespread anxiety which government proposals have created; across our education service, among parents and carers; and in the communities we serve here in Bury. In the last week the public view and the views of parents and carers around the re-opening of schools has been quite clear. I know some of our schools have directly consulted with parents to ask if they intend to send their children into school in line with the governments timescales, and overwhelmingly the response has been NO.


    The decision to ask Early Years Children to be amongst the first back into the school was ill thought out and most definitely ill judged. Pupils of that age, would not adhere to or understand social distancing and this would place greater pressure on our teaching staff. 


    Moreover there are clear significant implications including, the impact for our SEN children, school staff that are shielding, the lack of physical space in some schools and the fact next to no PPE has been offered for our School staff.  We must learn the lessons from recent weeks where significant number of health and social care staff were put at risk without PPE. 


    I have had detailed engagement with Heads, parents, carers and professional associations/unions; and I have listened carefully to their expressions of doubt, and their misgivings.


    The latest government announcement by the Prime Minister, together with an unfortunately timed and poorly judged Ministerial letter, have created yet further uncertainty and some dismay.


    As the Lead Member for Education I have had valuable advice from, and discussions with the Bury Heads Advisory Group. I have also had numerous representations from parents and local groups; unions and the professional associations. All are saying to me, the present risk is too great. 


    Bury Council believe passionately that each child in our Borough should have access to education, we are also conscious of the fact that there will be gaps around the teaching and learning of disadvantaged pupils.  However we will continue to work with you as our head teachers in helping to bridge and repair this gap at the earliest opportunity.  Moreover at this stage our decision making and priority has been based on the clear concerns that have been raised from the teaching profession, parents and carers and teaching unions and the risk that is placed on all if schools were to reopen on 1 June.


    The cabinet recognises that this decision will necessitate a clarity around safeguarding procedures aligned to the latest government advice. We will continue with our safeguarding plans which have been in place through the period of lockdown and ensure through this next stage of the Summer Term we keep up the engagement with schools. We are clear that vulnerable children and children of key workers should continue with school provision as they have been doing over recent weeks.  


    I recognise the Cabinet's heavy duty in making this decision to not further open schools from 1st June; and I am clear that there are wider health and safety issues which government must address, before we risk returning more children to our schools. Subject to your advice to me, I intend to write to the Secretary of State for Education, citing the persistently high levels of infection in the North West region, the lack of PPE, the very slow progress in setting up Track and Trace, and the confused government approach to resourcing our recovery. I will urge him to reflect on the importance of local evidence, the local scientific advice, and the national opinion of the British Medical Association in proposing decisions which could have a dramatic impact on our lives here in Bury.


    In conclusion I thank you for your outstanding contribution and leadership to teaching and learning within our borough during this pandemic. It is abundantly clear that you have more than risen to the challenge. I share my gratitude and thanks to you our Head teachers and all of your staff for the flexibility, resilience, and your determination to protect the health and safety of our schools communities at this time.  


    Once again Bury has shown the strength of our Education Service, through the strong family of schools, including our local authority maintained schools, our faiths schools and our academy trusts. 


    Looking ahead, the Local Authority advice that you have been receiving on a daily basis will continue, and we will of course keep dialogue open with you around risk assessments, and your individual plans for the eventual opening of schools whenever that may be. 


    Please forward this letter to the parents and carers in your school, your staff team and your governing bodies. 


    More than ever, feedback is appreciated at this unprecedented time. 


    Yours faithfully,


    Councillor Tamoor Tariq

    Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, Schools and Families


  • Work Packs - Tuesday 19th May 2020

    Fri 15 May 2020 Mrs J L Dickerson

    Dear Parents/Carers,


    Re: Work Packs

    I hope this letter finds you all safe and well. To enable us to further support the work we are doing to support home learning for your child, from next week we will be making available packs of work that can be collected from school.  


    These packs will be available for collection on Tuesday 19thMay 2020. There will be future packs available and school will send messages out as to when they will be ready.


    These packs will be to support the work that is being placed on line, on class pages, twitter and our learning platforms. 


    To ensure that social distancing takes place the packs will be placed on tables in the front car park of school clearly labelled with the year group. You will be able to enter school through the electronic pedestrian gate, collect a pack from the relevant table and then leave through the pedestrian gate on the other side of the vehicle gates. The Site Management Team will be on site to assist in maintaining social distancing and as such we please ask that you follow any guidance given.


    There will be hand-sanitizing stations as you enter and leave the school premises, which we ask that you please use.


    To reduce the number of people arriving at school at once we are going to put the following timetable in place for you to collect packs for your child based on their year group. If you have multiple children in school you can collect packs for all of your children during the slot that relates to your youngest child. Please only arrive at school during the time slot allocated. Some slots are longer than others due to the number of children in each year group.


    9:15am – 10:30am Nursery & Reception

    10:45am – 11:45pm Year 1 & Year 2

    12:00pm – 1:00pm Year 3 & Year 4

    1:15pm – 2:45pm Year 5 & Year 6


    Please note there will be no access to any other areas of school on this day, the School Office remains closed at present.


    Kind Regards

    Mr J Rolt

    Deputy Headteacher

  • Edstart Survey

    Fri 15 May 2020 Mrs Dickerson

    Our Sports & PE Provider, Edstart Bury, have asked us to share the following survey with our families.


    We're running an important survey to find out how children have been feeling during this time and the impact the lockdown has been having, as part of our EdStart wellbeing focus.
    Parents & teachers, please let us know what your children & pupils said when asked these questions. The survey is really quick (link below), with just 10 questions for the children to complete. It’ll only take 2 – 3 minutes, so if you could complete it in the next week, that would be massively appreciated. 

    It'll help us offer tailored support when schools return and gain valuable information into how children are feeling during this time and their thoughts on returning to school.

    Thank you.  


  • Update on School Closure

    Mon 11 May 2020 Mrs J L Dickerson

    Dear Parent/Carers,


    Update on School Closure


    I’m sure like me, many of you will have watched the Prime Minister’s address to the nation yesterday evening.


    You will have heard the Prime Minister indicating that the government believes it may be in a position to implement a phased re-opening of schools from 1stJune, starting with pupils in Reception, Year One and Year Six.  This is part of the government’s conditional plan, which it says will remain under regular review.


    As you can imagine we all want to get the children back into school as soon as it is safe to do so. We do not want to see the classrooms at St. Luke’s empty for a day longer than they need to be.


    However the overarching priority has to be the safety of everyone in the school community.


    This week, I am working with the Chair of Governors, Councillor Tariq and the Vice Chair of Governors, Reverend Cook to gain a better understanding of the government’s plan in terms of reopening school. We have already started to receive advice that will give us a clearer picture of what we need to have in place prior to opening St. Luke’s again.


    In the short term our school remains closed to all children with the exception of the children accessing the emergency childcare provision. I will write to you in the coming days with further information as soon as I receive it.


    Should your circumstances have changed and you need to request a place in the emergency childcare provision as you are a keyworker, have a child with an EHCP or your family has a social worker you can contact school using the school email address You will need to provide the name of your child/children, your job title and name of your employer so that we can confirm if our child is eligible for a place. You should only request a place in the emergency childcare provision if you have no other childcare available. Please find below a list of keyworkers as set out by the government.




    Health and social care

    This includes but is not limited to doctors, nurses, midwives, paramedics, social workers, care workers, and other frontline health and social care staff including volunteers; the support and specialist staff required to maintain the UK’s health and social care sector; those working as part of the health and social care supply chain, including producers and distributers of medicines and medical and personal protective equipment.


    Education and childcare

    This includes nursery and teaching staff, social workers and those specialist education professionals who must remain active during the COVID-19 response to deliver this approach.


    Key public services

    This includes those essential to the running of the justice system, religious staff, charities and workers delivering key frontline services, those responsible for the management of the deceased, and journalists and broadcasters who are providing public service broadcasting.


    Local and national government

    This only includes those administrative occupations essential to the effective delivery of the COVID-19 response or delivering essential public services such as the payment of benefits, including in government agencies and arms length bodies.


    Food and other necessary goods

    This includes those involved in food production, processing, distribution, sale and delivery as well as those essential to the provision of other key goods (for example hygienic and veterinary medicines).


    Public safety and national security

    This includes police and support staff, Ministry of Defence civilians, contractor and armed forces personnel (those critical to the delivery of key defence and national security outputs and essential to the response to the COVID-19 pandemic), fire and rescue service employees (including support staff), National Crime Agency staff, those maintaining border security, prison and probation staff and other national security roles, including those overseas.



    This includes those who will keep the air, water, road and rail passenger and freight transport modes operating during the COVID-19 response, including those working on transport systems through which supply chains pass.


    Utilities, communication and financial services

    This includes staff needed for essential financial services provision (including but not limited to workers in banks, building societies and financial market infrastructure), the oil, gas, electricity and water sectors (including sewerage), information technology and data infrastructure sector and primary industry supplies to continue during the COVID-19 response, as well as key staff working in the civil nuclear, chemicals, telecommunications (including but not limited to network operations, field engineering, call centre staff, IT and data infrastructure, 999 and 111 critical services), postal services and delivery, payments providers and waste disposal sectors.


    Kind Regards



    Miss M Michael


  • Virtual Learning Update

    Wed 06 May 2020 Mrs J Dickerson

    Dear Parents/Carers, 


    Re: Virtual Learning


    I sincerely hope that this letter find you and all of your family members safe and well during this challenging time.


    I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for the outstanding effort and time you have put into completing work with your child/children and sending it back to the teachers for them to see. 


    We find ourselves in unprecedented times during which we are all having to adapt our way of life to fit in with the current situation. I do not for one single minute underestimate how difficult it has been juggling family life and work and still being able to find the time to complete school work with your children and I commend you all for managing it so well.


    The number of children that have accessed our leaning platforms such as Reading Eggs and Mathletics has been improving. The work that has been shared with the class teachers has been fabulous and they have all enjoyed reading it as you will see further along in this letter.


    Completing home learning with your children will further support them in preparing for the move to their next year group.To support you and your child/children with their virtual learning we are going to simplify our class pages and have a consistent timetable for all classes. 


    We have looked at the amount of time that children are spending on tasks and these are the minimum expectations. Children are to complete a minimum of three tasks a day. Each task should take no longer than the times listed below: 


    Reception & Nursery:   25 minutes per task

    Year 1 & Year 2:          30 minutes per task

    Year 3 & Year 4:          40 minutes per task

    Year 5 & Year 6:          45 minutes per task


    Core Tasks:


    These daily tasks will be as follows:


    • A White Rose maths lesson with extension work on BBC Bitesize.
    • A Reading Eggs or Reading Express activity.
    • A Mathletics, Timetables Rockstars, Grammar or writing task. 


    Optional Tasks: 


    If your child/children have time and for further learning, we will have a project sheet on the page with different: Art, Writing, D&T, History, Geography and Maths tasks. Please email your class teacher with a photo of the work completed for us to celebrate with their class. 


    We will also list all of the websites should you require further support.


    Each week the class teacher will post a timetable and a short video celebrating the work from the previous week and explaining the core work for this week. Who will get a mention from their teacher? 


    On the next page you will find message from all the class teachers about how proud they are of all the children and what they have planned for future home learning.


    Messages from Class Teachers


    Mrs Watts- "To all my lovely Nursery class, our toys, books and resources miss you all so very much, our classroom is not the same without you.  I miss you so very much too!  It makes me feel so happy to see that you are enjoying this extra time at home with your lovely families.  The photographs that you are sending in to and on Tapestry are fantastic.  

    You've been making rainbows, planting sunflowers, building sandcastles, baking the most delicious treats, learning to write your name counting, listening to story books, playing on your leapfrog games, watching phonics shows, colouring by number, decorating, making wooden stick love hearts, caring for your pets, bird watching, making cards, pairing socks, writing numbers, doing jigsaws, washing your hands, dancing, making junk shakers, working out with Joe Wicks, playing snakes and ladders, researching  facts about dinosaurs, making pizza dough, going for walks and skimming stones.  

    Each Monday there will be lots of new activities set on our school's website under the section - children then - class pages.  These will help you to further your learning and get you ready for your big move into Reception.  I hope we can have lots of fun together very soon.  I want to hear your cheeky giggles, see you having fun with your friends and to teach you lots of new things.  We're looking after each other by staying at home for a little while longer.  In the meantime, please keep sending me your messages and photographs of your home learning - I'm celebrating everything on twitter too @stlukesburyN.  Stay safe my little friends."


    Miss Holt – “Hello everyone,I have been absolutely blown away by all the children’s work! It hasbeen lovely to receive emails from lots of different parents showingoff their children’s amazing work.I miss all the children lots but seeing their faces in pictures andvideos sent really is brightening up my days!! I am so impressed withhow much the children are practicing their learning at home.

    Please don’t forget to check the class page and twitter (@rhstlukes)for your tasks. I do try to add fun activities daily to both as weknow children learn best through exciting activities!!Please remember to have fun!! Learn some new skills, cook together,play together, enjoy this unusual sunshine we are having together andplease stay safe together.

    Don't forget to send any work, jobs or even games you do at home to myemail; can't wait to see you all again soon. Until then keep smiling, keeplearning and keep being you!”

    Miss Fisher– “Hello Reception, I am missing you all so much and hope your all safe and well at home with your families. I understand how tricky home learning is and I’m very grateful for all the work I have received from you on Twitter, through our class email and Tapestry. 

    Each week online tasks will be posted on our class page which you can access through the school website. Also on our class twitter page which is @stlukesburyrf. Please send any work you have done to our class email so I can post in on our class page. Remember to keep checking as you might see your work on there. Each week I will post a message and give a shout out to celebrate the work I have received. 


    Thank you for all you are doing and remember to have lots of fun learning at home, stay safe and keep in touch I am so pleased to receive updates about your learning it makes me so proud.” 



    Miss Shaw-  “I am so overwhelmed by the support of all the parents, it has been wonderful to see all of the amazing work that is being sent to our class email. Each week I will be setting a weekly overview of what needs to be covered. This half term is super exciting as we are covering Julia Donaldson books and there are lots of numeracy challenges on White Rose Hub. There are lots of interactive activities for you to complete and you can even give some of your own ideas a go. I will be updating Twitter with the TOP USERS for Mathletics and Reading Eggs. Will your name make the list? In addition, certificates that are earned on Reading Eggs and Mathletics will also be shared on the class page and Twitter. Thank you for all that you are doing and remember to have lots of fun when learning at home!”


    Miss Lawrence– “We are very lucky to have access to wonderful websites such as Reading Eggs, Mathletics and Purple Mash. I have been setting daily activities on these sites through which you can achieve certificates for all your hard work. This term we are focusing on Julia Donaldson and exploring the themes and meanings behind these stories. Each Monday I will update our class page and Twitter with the activities you can complete for the week ahead. Please email any photographs of the activities you get up to and I will upload them onto our Twitter to celebrate all your successes and share them with the world! If you have any questions please let me know, as I am here to help through these unprecedented times. Do what you can but the most important thing is to stay safe and to share your strength, laughter and love with your children. Thank you for your incredible continued support.” 


    Miss Foster– “Hi all! I hope you are all keeping safe and busy at this difficult time. I wanted to thank you for all your efforts with the children so far. I am so excited to hear from them and yourselves. 


    Home learning is proving a difficult challenge for us all and I thank you for the adaptations you have made to support the children. We have been providing home learning ideas and tasks on both our class webpage through the school website, and on our Twitter page (@FStlukesbury2). These will be linked to the topics we would be studying in class to ensure the children are continuing to have access to the National Curriculum despite school being closed. In History this half term, we would be studying the impact of technology on our lives. This seems appropriate at this time, due to the world becoming reliant on technology to keep us going! In Science, we are going to be looking at plants and hopefully this lovely weather will help us to explore in the outdoors all around us. Online learning tasks will be based around these, but please use this chance to talk to your children about these topics in your own ways.


    In terms of online learning, we are working hard to make sure the children have lots of Reading Eggs and Mathletics activities to keep them busy. Keep logging on and seeing what challenges await the children! I am so proud of all the progress the children made between September and Easter, and hope these online tasks will help us to continue with this until school is able to reopen. I am trying to keep up with sharing their progress with certificates and badges earned online and sharing these through Twitter. Times Table Rockstars is a new app that the children will love where you can test yourself on all the times table facts - have a go yourself it really tests you! I can't wait to see who is going to be top of the leaderboard! 


    I have tried to make writing tasks exciting and relevant for the children and have loved the efforts that have been sent in. Please continue to do this and let us know of any extra work you have completed at home. I can't wait to share it online. We have had attention on Twitter from Guide Dogs for Aliyah & Maryam's fabulous letters. Let's try and get some more! 


    I understand how tricky home learning is, and just want to thank you again for all your efforts with the children. I can't wait to celebrate all their wonderful work when we are back together. Please use this time as best you can - share your passions and talents with the children, whether that's cooking or baking or art or craft. Teach them new skills and encourage them to try new things. I love every update I receive and am so pleased to hear from you. 


    Please continue to send work to our class email address:, check out our Twitter feed @FStlukesbury2 and continue to stay safe.”


    Miss Byrne– “A huge well done to all of the children in 2B who have completed home schooling tasks and online lessons so far, it puts a big smile on my face to see all of your efforts and achievements. To access the weekly activities please take a look on our class page every Monday morning, where you will find a word document full of exciting ideas and challenges. All activities can be found on the document link to the Year 2 curriculum and the current topics that we teach in Summer 1. I have loved tweeting the fantastic work that has been sent to me so far, please keep it up, it is truly inspirational!


    Reading Eggs and Mathletics are fantastic online resources that can be accessed daily, here the children can re-cap on prior learning, practise new skills and take quizzes on their understanding. It has been brilliant to see some children earning bronze, silver and gold certificates so far, keep up the hard work! Each day, I look forward to sharing the success of the 'Top Users' from Reading Eggs and Mathletics on our class pages and Twitter - these have even been retweeted by Mathletics - how fantastic!” 


    Mr Thomas– “My amazing class, I miss you all so much! In Literacy, we have started work based on a new book this term, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl - there are plenty of links and activities to be completed on our class page, which gets updated daily! In Maths, links are provided on the class page and Twitter for White Rose Maths – it is great to receive pictures of you doing this work! Reading Eggs and Mathetics are resources that can be accessed daily and work is set and monitored closely. Please access these websites as much as you can!”  


    Miss Poricka– “In Literacy, 3P have started work based on their new book this term Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl - the links to the audio book are shared on the website making it accessible for all to read along with! Reading Eggs can also be accessed daily to help further support with reading and spelling. There are lots of fun activities to complete! For Maths, along with the links to White Rose Hub that can be found on the class page and twitter, there are also lots of activities to complete on Mathletics. Work is set and monitored closely with the Top 5 users getting a shout out on Twitter and class pages! It would be great to see some children earning Gold certificates on Mathetics for earning 3000 points in a week! You can find links to Reading Eggs and Mathletics on our class page! Have fun learning!” 


    Mrs Heywood– “It has been fantastic to see the work that is being produced by you; from baking to making dens to PE with Jo Wicks, as well as beautiful pieces of artwork, amazing stories and brilliant maths work – it is wonderful to see it all! I am so proud of all the effort and I love sharing all your hard work on Twitter so that the world can see how fantastic you are! I am currently setting up lots of work on Mathletics and Reading Eggs, make sure you log on to help your home learning. I will add the top 5 users to our class page and Twitter  (@stlukesbury4h) every week! Each week there will be new and exciting work for you to complete including work on poetry, great videos to watch and learn from The Literacy Shed, great lessons from BBC Bitesize and exciting work from White Rose Maths – check our class page for updates! Keep safe, I miss you all so much!”


    Mrs Edwards– “We have some fantastic websites for you to access all your home learning! On Reading Eggs – you can complete lessons on your map, read books and quiz from the library! I have also set spelling and comprehension challenges for you to complete! On Mathletics, I have set challenges on there for you to complete, as well as tests.  As the term progresses I will continue to add challenges.  On our class page on the school website, you will find links to White Rose Maths. Following the link on the home learning timetable I send out weekly, you can complete daily maths challenges to help your learning!


    This term in Literacy we will be looking at and writing your own poems, as well as practising the features needed to create them. In Science we will be looking at the classification of different animals and their habitats.  We will also be researching deforestation and looking for ways to help the environment and keep it safe for animals. In Geography we will be researching the different seas and oceans and the different creatures that live in them.”


    Miss Smythe– “It has been amazing to see how hard many of you have been working and how supportive the parents have been. Each day I am uploading work onto Reading Eggs and Mathletics for 5SM as they are such great online learning resources. On Reading Eggs there is a comprehension, spelling lesson and chapters of a book to read. On Mathletics there are activities with questions to answer, revising units the children have previously learnt. 


    It would also be amazing if children could complete the White Rose Home Learning lessons daily, as this teaches the children the current summer curriculum. Finally there is a document on class pages that I upload every Monday with the weekly topic activities. At the moment in Science we are looking at Earth and Space and I would love to see some of your amazing work, so please send it to the class email. I am celebrating the top 5 users of Reading Eggs and Mathletics on Twitter and the class page on our school website. Good luck and keep up the good work!”


    Mrs Rehan– “First of all I would like to thank each and every one of you who have been emailing me work since we have started home learning. I wholeheartedly thank you and your parents for being actively involved. Each week I am setting online learning and an overview of the content that needs to be covered. This can be found on our class page. 


    We are particularly asking you to actively take part in Reading Eggs and Mathletics. Reading Eggs consists of a daily comprehension, spelling and reading a chapter from the nominated book for that week. In Maths we have set tasks for you to do everyday. To celebrate your learning, three times a week I will be doing a shout out to the top 5 users on Reading Eggs and Mathletics on our Twitter page and class page! Also please try and complete your daily task on White Rose Maths too as that covers your summer learning. Miss Smythe and I are looking at others ways to make your learning fun so watch out for that! 


    Keep up the good work and I look forward to receiving your work via the class email.”


    Mrs Carroll & Mr Dean– “We have been setting tasks for 6DC each week so that your child's learning can continue even though we are not in school. 


    Please encourage your child to log in to Mathletics and Reading Eggs so that they can complete the fun activities that we have assigned to them and they might even make the top 5 users that we list each week on Twitter, for all the world to see!


    The challenges we set on Reading Eggs give the opportunity to win certificates and trophies, each week there are comprehension and spelling activities to have a go at. Our Maths work is based on the White Rose Maths that we use in school, so your child will be used to the way that it is set out and the Mathletics activities are linked to this as well so they can show what they have learned! 


    We love to see what you have been getting up to while away from school so please send us any completed work or pictures of whatever you have been doing to keep busy, send these to our class email address and, with your permission, we will share them with the rest of the class on our webpage and the rest of the world on Twitter! 


    Lastly, we hope that you are keeping safe and well; we are missing you all and hope that we can get back to school soon! “


    Miss Bolton & Miss Sharp – “We have a number of exciting and challenging home learning activities that you can find on our class page and on our twitter account! Our tweets have been re-tweeted by White Rose Maths, Mathletics and Reading Eggs, so people all over the country can see the amazing learning we are doing. We always show the fantastic work children are doing and every week we share our top 5 Reading Eggs and Mathletics users, so the more your child accesses their account, the better chance they have of being a top user! 


    Both myself and Miss Sharp love the Narnia book and we are now using this as our next class text! We have placed a pdf copy of the book on our class page so that you and your children can enjoy the book too. We would love to see your child's completed activities based on the book Narnia! We have received some super pieces of creative writing based on the photo prompts found on our class page and we always try to share amazing examples of writing to inspire others! Our Reading Eggs challenges can sometimes be tricky but they are a super way to prepare your child for high school. We are currently working through a range of comprehension and Spelling activities, which are set weekly. We love to see who is achieving certificates and trophies! 


    Two of our favourite ways to build on our mathematical knowledge is through the White Rose Maths home learning lessons and the tricky activities on Mathletics. We often try to match the White Rose Maths lessons to the tasks on Mathletics so that your children can really build on their new knowledge and apply their new skills. They are super resources to use at home and will definitely support their mathematical understanding ready for Year 7.”


    We love to receive emails of all the fantastic work your children are doing at home, so please keep us updated using our class email address


    I hope you have enjoyed reading all the lovely messages off the teachers and that you have been able to watch the messages they have added to the class twitter pages. Keep safe one and all and we will hopefully be back together soon.


    Kind Regards



    Miss M Michael


