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Week 6

What a great week we have had in Nursery. This week we have been looking at the hungry caterpillar and we have enjoyed learning all about the life cycle of a caterpillar. Nursery were amazing at remember the different stages of the cycle. Well Done Nursery! Nursery have enjoyed developing their fine motor skills within the continuous provision. They have made some amazing butterflies using different materials linking to our book this week. 🐛🦋


For our guided draw this week, Nursery have drawn the life cycle of a caterpillar turning into a butterfly. They looked amazing and Nursery had excellent pencil control when drawing the different stages of the cycle. 🦋


Nursery have been tasting some of the foods that the hungry caterpillar has been eating in his story. Nursery were really good at telling Miss Latham what foods are healthy and not healthy. Well Done to all the children for trying out new foods! 

A massive well done to the children who took part in ‘Show and Tell’ this week. It was very exciting to see what the children have brought in for their ‘Show and Tell’ . You were all so confident at telling your friends why it was special to you. 

A great way to finish the term Nursery! I am so proud of you for all your great work and progress so far in Nursery. 

The Hungry Caterpillar! 🐛

Our Guided Draw! 🐛🦋

Tasting the different foods from the story!

Show and Tell
