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Week 3

This week nursery have enjoyed reading our book of the week ‘The Duck in the Truck’. The children were really good at guessing who’s truck is stuck in the mud. In our phonics this week we have been looking at rhyming words and I have to say the children were amazing at recognising the rhyming pairs. 

Nursery have had an exciting opportunity to visit Reception on Monday. We had a tour around the two reception classes and we even had some time to discover and engage in their learning. Shh don’t tell Reception we have been in there whilst they were at the farm! 

Nursery have enjoyed learning and exploring in our outdoor environment. We have been learning about teamwork and how to work as a team. We have also enjoyed singing nursery rhymes on our new stage. Thank you Mark for doing this for us! 

Nursery have also enjoyed having a go at milking the cow in the outdoor environment. Nursery are enjoying our current topic this term of ‘On the Farm’. 

what a great week we have had! 

The Duck in the Truck!

Visiting Reception!

Exploring and engaging in our outdoor environment!

Show and Tell this week!
