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Online Learning

Dear Parents/Carers,


Thank you to all families that have emailed school to request a place in the Keyworker (Critical Worker) provision. The deadline for this has now passed and we are working to setup the bubbles with further information being sent out to families shortly.


Remote learning for all children that are not in school will start tomorrow morning at 9:30am.


On Thursday and Friday tasks will be setup on Reading Eggs, Mathletics, Eggspress and Timetables Rockstars. Children can login using any device that can access the internet e.g. mobile phone, tablet or laptop. We ask that children complete all the tasks that they are set.


From Monday, teachers will be delivering live lessons everyday via Zoom from 9:00am. All children are to join the lessons so all children will need access to a device that can connect to Zoom and somewhere they can sit quietly to take part in the virtual lessons


The children in school will be carrying out the same work as the children at home.


To help us support your children’s education during this challenging time it is vital that they access the work and lessons that we are setting up for them.


Further information and links will be sent out over the next few days.



Kind Regards

Miss M Michael

