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Welcome to Year 5



Hello and welcome to 5L and 5B.

laugh Your class teachers are Miss Lawrence and Miss Byrne . laugh

heart  Also here to help is Mrs Burgess, Mrs Smith, Mrs Rehan and Mrs Scully ! heart


We hope you enjoy taking a look at our brilliant page of learning!

Important Information:

Twitter is where you can find photos and updates about what is happening in Year 5.

             Have a look at our class Twitter feeds to see all of the exciting things we are up to! 


 Class Dojo! 


Class Dojo is there to make it easy for parents and carers to contact teachers if they have any small queries or questions about learning or if they would like to send a quick message about their child. For all other questions or further support, the school office is there to support and are available via the school email or telephone number found on the website homepage. Teachers will also occasionally send messages on here to support parents with their children's learning or to arrange online work for children who are isolating.

P.E. is on Monday - please come to school in your P.E. kit and ensure that it consists of: a white t-shirt, black shorts / jogging bottoms or leggings and black pumps or trainers.



Spellings are handed out on a Friday in order to practise for a small test on the following Friday. Homework will be handed out on a Friday. Please ensure this is completed and returned to school by the following Wednesday.  There is also the opportunity to practise your learning on  Purple Mash and Timestable Rockstars each week.

Please click on the links below for quick access to our homework platforms. 


What are we learning?


Want to see what you will be learning in Year 5? Have a look at the curriculum maps below which show the curriculum content and topics for each half term. They include the key topics, vocabulary and knowledge for each subject. You can also find key texts studied.


If you would like to look at the curriculum in more detail, head over to our curriculum page on the website. Click here to go there now.

Topics this half term include:


  • History - The Industrial revolution (Local cotton industry focus)
  • Science - Materials
  • R.E - Judaism
  • DT - Build a 
  • French - Le carnaval des Animaux
  • PSHE - Living in the Wider World


The Knowledge Organisers below are important tools for you to refer to throughout our topics for this half-term. They contain interesting facts and key vocabulary that we will be referring to in our lessons.

Reading at St Luke's


At St Luke's we love reading! There is nothing better than curling up and getting cosy with a good book. Whatever you like to read, St Luke's will have something for you. We have a wide range of fiction and non-fiction books in our class library as well as the Accelerated Reader library. If you have a favourite author or genre, why not ask if we have a copy in school?


It is essential that you read at home daily. This can be on your own, with a friend or perhaps a family member. You should spend approximately 30 minutes a day reading to improve your skills and vocabulary. Remember to bring your reading book into school daily and ask someone at home to sign your reading record.


Below is a list of the top 100 books for year 5! Enjoy!

If your child is finding a story easy, please ask them lots of comprehension questions to ensure they understand the book they are reading. Questions can include: 

·         Who are the characters?

·         What role does ______ have in the story?

·         Where is the story set?

·         What happens at the beginning?

·         What happens in the middle?

·         What happens at the end of the story?

·         Can you tell me your favourite part of the story?

·         Did you like or dislike the story?

·         Can you find my a word beginning with _____?



Useful Links:


As part of enhancing our children's learning there are websites which we are currently using in our Numeracy and Literacy lessons and could be beneficial to use at home:




Let's become fantastic spellers! Please have a look at the document below, which shows you the spelling expectations for Key Stage Two. These words should be being used correctly in your writing!

What shall I do if I have a worry?


If you are feeling upset or worried about something there are plenty of people you can talk in school that can help you. You could write a worry in our class worry box, or speak to one of the Year 5 staff members who are always there to help you. However, if you feel you would like to speak to someone else, all members of staff around school are happy to help. You can always talk to one of the teachers on the poster below:


