I have come that they may have life and live it to the full
- John 10:10
Worship is at the heart of all we do at St Luke's.
Our children are encouraged to pray, reflect and make links between their daily lives and faith on a daily basis. We love coming together to Worship in the hall and share in our prayers together. Our Worship is led by our Headteacher Miss Michael, our RE and Collective worship leads Miss Shaw & Mrs Reynolds, our Ethos group and Reverend Simon who is the vicar at our church, St Peter's.
We also have the chance to Worship in class which helps us to feel closer to God. We follow Roots and Fruits which teaches us about 12 Christian Values. We follow these over a two-year cycle, and each half term has a value which we focus on.
All the children in our school family are children of God and are created in his likeness. God is love and he wants the best for his children. We love being able to celebrate all our achievements in our Celebration Assembly on a Friday.
We are awarded Golden Awards and Headteacher's Awards to celebrate our Christian Values. We celebrate who has been taking part in the Daily Mile at lunchtime and which house has won the Dojo points!
In Summer 2 we are going to be focusing on the value of Truth & Truthfulness...
Jesus said; "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these"
- Matthew 19:14
Prayer is very important to us at St Luke's. We have lots of opportunities to say our own prayers and often have spontaneous prayer in our Worships. All of our classrooms have ever-changing prayer areas and we often create prayer areas around school too.
Have a look at our Worship across school...
St Peter's Church
St Peter's Church is our Church. We are very lucky to have the vicar, Reverend Simon come into school to deliver and share in Worship with us. We enjoy going to visit Church throughout the year for various celebrations.
A message from Reverend Simon:
St Peter's Bury is delighted to be linked with St Luke's C of E Primary School. We enjoy working closely with the pupils, staff, parents, carers, and whole school community, for the flourishing of us all. St Luke's is an energetic, caring, and forward-thinking school, and it is a pleasure to be able to lead collective worship regularly (including Wiggle Worship with EYFS), contribute to lessons, be active on the governing body, and host the school at Church for seasonal worship and significant events.
Everyone at St Luke's is invited to be a part of everything that regularly goes on in the life of St Peter's, including Kingdom Play for pre-schoolers, Messy Church, and social events through the year. We look forward to continuing to contribute towards the thriving of the school and all its people, and if there's anything that we might be able to help with, please do get in touch.
You can find out what is happening at St Peter's by looking at their website:
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