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Week 3

Another busy week in Reception. On Monday we went to Smithills Farm. We had a fantastic time. We went on a tractor ride and fed the donkeys, went in pets corner and got to stroke and hold different animals, watched the cows being milked, had a donkey ride and fed goats, sheep and llamas. We had a busy and exciting day and some of us fell asleep on the coach journey home!! We have also been exploring our outdoor area which is getting a revamp. We love the stage that our caretaker Mr Judge built for us!! To finish our exciting week we had our mystery reader to surprise us on Friday afternoon. 

Mystery Reader

This week we were lucky to have a whole family come and read to us. Mujtaba’s mummy, daddy and little sister came to join us. We were very excited and we really enjoyed listening to hem reading the story. Thank you for reading to us!!
