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Week 4

This week, Nursery have had another special visitor. Nursery have found a letter and some clues what our book is going to be about this week and who has left this here. The children were really good at guessing it was Superworm! I wonder where he is hiding? 

We have really enjoyed the guided draw linking ti our book of this week. Nursery had a go at drawing Superworm and his different friends that he had helped in his story! 

This week, Nursery have been learning about our feelings. We had a discussion about what makes us happy. Nursery had a go at drawing different faces to match each emotion. What a great afternoon we have had! 

On Friday, Nursery enjoyed developing their cutting skills and had a really good try at colour by numbers. They really enjoyed working together as a team. They looked amazing! 

What another great week we have had in Nursery! 

Our Guided Draw! 🪱

Learning about our feelings!

Developing our Cutting Skills and Had a go at Colour by Numbers!
