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Week 5

This week, Nursery have really enjoyed our book of the week. Our story was about a cat called Sam and he took us through his journey of growing his own sunflower. Nursery were really good at remembering the different steps that Sam took to grow his own sunflower. Nursery has had a go at planting their own sunflowers and we can’t wait to see them grow! 🌻


On Tuesday, Nursery have enjoyed their guided draw focusing on our book of the week. Nursery were great at drawing Sam and his sunflower. They were amazing Nursery! 

In maths this week, we have been looking at ‘More and Less’. The children were really good at working together as a team to solve which pig has more and which pig has less bricks.

In PE, Nursery are doing well at listening to instructions and working together as a team in a wide range of ball games. 

Well Done Nursery! 👏

Sam Plants a Sunflower! 🌻

Our Guided Draw! 🐈🌻

More and Less

PE with EdStart!
