Thank you to all the families that have accessed Class Dojo already. If you are struggling to access it please contact the school office via telephone or email and they will be happy to help.
Class Dojo has been set up to enable families to communicate with class teachers if their child is struggling with home learning. Class Dojo will solely be used for curriculum purposes - getting the zoom links, accessing the work, completing the set work and sending it to Teachers, photos of the children sent to the Teachers etc.
Class Dojo should not be used for enquiries regarding behaviour, SEND or issues outside of school.
Teachers will reply to messages promptly but it will not be immediate as they will be delivering lessons.
If you have any urgent queries or concerns you can contact the school office on 0161 764 4988.
Please note that online learning is compulsory and children must attend the morning and afternoon sessions daily via Zoom with their class teacher.
If you encounter any technical issues joining the live lessons, please contact the school and in the meantime your child can complete work set online on the following platforms:
Timestable Rockstars
Reading Eggs
In the unlikely circumstance that the school are having technical issues, you will be contacted as soon as possible about this and again, in the meantime whilst this is being investigated, please ensure your child access the activities on the above platforms.