School Uniform List
Our school uniform colour is a combination of green and purple. Most items can be bought
from High Street shops. Please speak to our office staff for details of prices.
• Grey skirt/pinafore dress/shorts/trousers or either a green and white or purple and white
checked dresses (Grey or black leggings may be worn with a skirt or pinafore if required for
religious reasons).
• Green Polo Shirt with school logo
• Purple sweatshirt or cardigan, without a hood, with the school logo.
• Plain black, grey or white short or knee length socks (not over the knee) or
• Black or grey tights
Please note skirts should be an appropriate length and of a style which allows them to sit
comfortably on the floor. When wearing shorts, even when these are worn over tights, they
should also be of an appropriate length.
• Grey shorts or trousers not jogging bottoms
• Green Polo Shirt
• Purple sweatshirt, without a hood, with the school logo.
If a headscarf is required for religious reasons this must be either green, white, purple or
black, in line with school colours. Headscarves must not have patterns or adornments and
should not obscure the school’s logo on the child’s polo shirt/sweater.
Shoes should be flat, black and appropriate for school. Your child should wear shoes which
he or she can manage to do up independently. Please do not send your child to school in
shoes which prevent them from running in the playground.
P.E. Kit
Children from Year One upwards need a change of clothes and footwear for P.E (for health
and hygiene reasons) and a draw-string bag in which to keep the kit at school. PE kit and PE
bags may be bought from the school office. All school uniform and P.E. kit MUST be named.
• black shorts or black leggings
• plain white T-shirt or polo shirt
• a pair of plimsolls – velcro fastenings are essential for younger children or a pair of
• black jogging bottoms for outdoor lessons in cold weather
For health and safety reasons children are not permitted to wear earrings for PE. Your
child’s class teacher will advise you when PE lessons take place so that earrings can be