Home Page


Welcome to our Nursery class page. Thank you for taking a look at all the exciting things we are learning in school. We have two sessions at Nursery. The morning session runs from 8.50-11.50am and the afternoon session runs from 12.15-3.15pm. We also have children who stay for a full day in Nursery. 

Teacher: Miss Latham

Other Adults: Ms Copeland

Mrs Akram

Miss Robinson 

Mrs Tariq


If one of our pupils ever has a worry in school, they know that they can speak to one of the adults in their classroom or one of the designated safeguarding leaders (DSLs). The DSLs have their photographs displayed on posters all around school, including in the classroom.


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1 

Spring 1 Newsletter

Spring 1 Learning Overview

Take a look at what we are reading this half term!

A Hero Like You!

Bedtime Stories | Tom Hiddleston reads Supertato | CBeebies

A Superhero Like You by Dr. Ranj

Autumn 2 Newsletter

Autumn 2 Learning Overview

Take a look at what we are reading this half term!

The Teddy Bears' Picnic

Where's My Teddy?

Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?

Autumn 1 Learning Overview

Take a look at what we are reading this half term!

I Like Myself by Karen Beaumont

We're Going to a Birthday Party: A Lift-the-Flap Adventure!

The Colour Monster Goes to School:


In school we read frequently with the children. We have a wonderful reading area, display books in all areas of the classroom, read daily to the class, sing songs, display useful signage in the classroom environment and put books at the heart of our curriculum. 


We send home 2 books for the children to read with their families alongside their books at home.  Below is a list of 100 suggested books to 'read before you're five'. 

Here are 7 great ways to learn at home!!


  • Sharing books and stories - telling stories and talking about pictures in books helps children to learn and understand new words and also develop a love of reading.
  • Singing songs and rhymes - singing songs and rhymes together teaches children to predict language structures and develops their vocabulary.
  • Playing with letters and sounds - playing games with the shapes and sounds of letters is a fun way of introducing children to language and early reading.
  • Setting up a play date - babies and young children learn through play. Playing together helps children develop the skills they need to communicate well and socialise, especially when they start going to nursery and school.
  • Getting out and about - when you go out for a walk or you’re at the supermarket, help children to spot and recognise the signs and words around them. This encourages talk.
  • Painting and drawing - making marks and scribbles with a lots of different materials allows children to express themselves, helps their muscles develop and supports early writing.
  • Using the library - parents and children can borrow books for free and attend storytelling and rhyme groups.

Useful Website Links! Take a look!

Phonics Website Links