Welcome to our Nursery class page. Thank you for taking a look at all the exciting things we are learning in school. We have two sessions at Nursery. The morning session runs from 8.50-11.50am and the afternoon session runs from 12.15-3.15pm. We also have children who stay for a full day in Nursery.
Teacher: Miss Latham
Other Adults: Ms Copeland
Mrs Akram
Miss Robinson
Mrs Tariq
If one of our pupils ever has a worry in school, they know that they can speak to one of the adults in their classroom or one of the designated safeguarding leaders (DSLs). The DSLs have their photographs displayed on posters all around school, including in the classroom.
Autumn 1
Autumn 2
Spring 1
Take a look at what we are reading this half term!
Take a look at what we are reading this half term!
Take a look at what we are reading this half term!
In school we read frequently with the children. We have a wonderful reading area, display books in all areas of the classroom, read daily to the class, sing songs, display useful signage in the classroom environment and put books at the heart of our curriculum.
We send home 2 books for the children to read with their families alongside their books at home. Below is a list of 100 suggested books to 'read before you're five'.
Here are 7 great ways to learn at home!!
Useful Website Links! Take a look!