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    Tue 29 Sep 2020 Mrs J L Dickerson

    Did you know we still have spaces available in our fantastic Nursery?


    Is your child 3 now or due to turn 3 soon? (Or do you know someone with a child of that age?)


    Your 15 hours a week free entitlement is waiting for you! 


    We can deliver this as five mornings, five afternoons or we can look to deliver it in a way that suits you and your family.


    We can also offer you the option to take up a full time place or just some full time days. Full time tops ups are only £12 per day and you don't have to do it everyday.


    All you need to do is contact our fabulous office team who will work with you to set up the best pattern for you and your child based on your requirements and our availability.

  • Staffing Changes

    Thu 17 Sep 2020 Mrs J L Dickerson

    Dear Parents/Carers,


    Staffing Updates


    I am writing to update you on some staffing changes that will be happening in the next few weeks and months as a result of government guidance in relation to expectant mothers.


    The government guidance states that women that are 28 weeks pregnant or more should work from home.


    In light of this guidance Miss Bolton has now started to work from home and will continue to do so until she starts her maternity leave in November 2020.


    Miss Bolton has sent the following message for the families and children from her class.


    Some of you may know that I am expecting a little girl in December but during these unprecedented times, the Government has advised that women over 28 weeks pregnant should work from home. Although it was a very difficult decision, this new guidance means that I will not be returning to St Luke's to teach my lovely Year 6 class in person. Instead, I will be working behind the scenes from home.


    I have had such a wonderful start to the year and have really enjoyed getting to know the kind, polite and hardworking children in 6DB. I will be keeping in touch with the class and parents through the class dojo app and I want to reassure everyone that I am still here for any support you may need. I can't wait to see what wonderful learning you get up to in school and you will be seeing my online posts very soon!


    To help cover Miss Bolton’s class Mrs Heywood will be moving from Year 5 up to Year 6 to work alongside Mr Rolt and the rest of the Year 6 team from Monday 21st September. Mrs Heywood has the following message,


    “I am really excited to be joining the Year 6 team. It is a great opportunity to support the teaching and learning of these fantastic pupils. I wish my Year 5 class and the rest of the Year 5 bubble all the very best and I am keen to see how they will flourish throughout the rest of the school year.”


    Mr Dean will be taking over Mrs Heywood’s class from next week and he is very excited about his new challenge. “I am really excited to be working with Year 5 as this will be a new challenge for me. I look forward to working with the children and the staff and I am really looking forward to the rest of the academic year. I would also like to wish Year 6 all the very best for the rest of the year.”


    Our final change is in Reception, like Miss Bolton, Miss Holt is expecting a baby in early February and due to the government guidance she will be working from home from mid-November. We have already started to look for someone to try and fill Miss Holt’s amazing shoes and we will let you know more when we have found someone.


    Miss Holt has said “I will really miss being in the classroom and I will miss seeing all the children’s smiling faces. I will still be in touch with you all and I cannot wait to watch you and your learning grow on Tapestry. You have all settled into Reception so well and I hope you continue to enjoy it and learn new things every day.”


    Yours sincerely,



    Miss M Michael


  • School Arrival and Departure Procedures

    Thu 17 Sep 2020 Mrs J L Dickerson

    Dear Parents/Carers,


    I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support in adhering to the new measures in place to support us in keeping everyone safe. It has been wonderful to start to welcome the children back into school this week and we cannot wait until everyone has returned.


    We know that changes can also bring with them challenges and we want to work together to get it right.


    We have implemented a staggered start and end time to reduce the number of people on site and waiting outside the school grounds.


    Start Times

    The children in Year 1, Year 2, Year, 5, and Year 6 start school at 8:50am, with access to school premises from 8:45am. We ask that children are in their classrooms/line by 8:55am. Any children arriving after this time will have to be taken to the school office.


    The children in Reception, Year 3 and Year 4 can enter school premises from 9:00am and we ask that they are in their classrooms/line by 9:10am. Any children arriving after this time will have to be taken to the school office.


    End Times

    The children in Year 1, Year 2, Year, 5, and Year 6 finish school at 3:15pm.

    The children in Reception, Year 3 and Year 4 finish school at 3:25pm.



    Nursery AM – 8:50am start with 11:50am finish - Entry and collection from classroom door.

    Nursery PM – 12:15am start with 3:15pm finish - Entry and collection from classroom door.

    Nursery FT– 8:50am start with 3:15pm finish - Entry and collection from classroom door.


    To reduce the number of people waiting to enter the school at one time can we please ask that you do not arrive at school before your child’s start time.


    Once you have handed your child to their class teacher can we ask that you leave site promptly to allow space for other families. Similarly once you have collected your child can you please leave site promptly.


    Movement around the school gates is one way only, please follow the instructions and guidance given by the staff on hand at the start and end of the day.


    Finally, can we please ask that you maintain social distancing whilst on school grounds and whilst waiting outside school to enter to drop off or collect your child.


    Kind Regards


    Miss M Michael


  • COVID-19 Symptoms & Testing Update

    Tue 15 Sep 2020 Mrs J L Dickerson

    Dear Parents/Carers,


    I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support and understanding whilst we try to implement the government guidance and advice in relation to symptoms of COVID-19, testing and self-isolation.


    We appreciate that there have been some teething troubles and we are working to try and rectify these to make the process as transparent as possible for our families. We apologise for any inconvenience that has been caused whilst we try to ensure the advice we give out is correct.


    The guidance still remains clear that the main three symptoms of COVID-19 are:


    • a new continuous cough
    • a high temperature
    • a loss of, or change in, your normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia)


    If your child or a member of your family is displaying any of these symptoms they must be tested as soon as possible and all members of the household must isolate.  Further information on how to book a test can be found on the Bury Council website with details of local centres and the online booking system.


    If a child starts to show these symptoms in school we will ask you to collect them and any siblings and arrange for a test for the child with symptoms as soon as possible.


    We appreciate that accessing a test is proving difficult at present due to the volume of people wanting them. In line with government and local authority guidance please do not go for a COVID-19 test unless you are displaying one of the above symptoms. This will help ensure that all those that need a test are able to access them.


    Runny noses, a sore throat or a mild cough are not known signs of COVID-19. Children with these symptoms (as long as they are well enough to do so) can attend school as normal, as can their siblings.  We will not ask you to take a child showing any of these symptoms for a COVID-19 test.


    We appreciate that the guidance can be very confusing for families, as it can for us, but we want to ensure that we are doing the best we can to keep our children, staff and families as safe as possible.


    Kind Regards




    Miss M Michael


  • Self-isolation Information

    Tue 15 Sep 2020 Mrs J L Dickerson

    Dear Parents/Carers,


    Self-Isolation Reminder


    Can we please remind all parents and carers that if your child is absent from school due to the need to self-isolate you must follow the government guidance on self-isolation.


    If your child is self-isolating but has no symptoms they must stay at home for 14 days as instructed. They must not visit public places including parks and play areas or return to school. They must not mix with people or children from other families. (Should you need to bring your child with you to collect other children we ask that your child maintains social distancing at all times).


    If your child is self-isolating with symptoms they must have a test as soon as possible and then self-isolate for 10 days from the start of the symptoms. All family members should also isolate for a period of 14 days.


    Why staying at home is very important – DfE


    It is very important that people with symptoms of or a positive COVID-19 test and their household members stay at home. Staying at home will help prevent the spread of the virus to family, friends, the wider community, and particularly those who are clinically extremely vulnerable.

    If you have symptoms of COVID-19 or a positive test, remain at home for at least 10 days after the onset of your symptoms (see ending self-isolation below). This will reduce the risk of you infecting others.

    If you have symptoms of COVID-19 or a positive test, then you should avoid contact with other household members as much as possible.

    Other members of your household, including those who do not have any symptoms, need to stay at home and not leave the house for 14 days. Do not go out even to buy food or other essentials, and any exercise should be taken within your home. This 14-day period starts from the day when the first person in your house became ill or if they do not have symptoms, from the day their test was taken. There is more information in the ending self-isolation section below.

    Staying at home for 14 days will greatly reduce the overall amount of infection the household could pass on to others in the community

    While you are self-isolating, make sure you do the following things

    Stay at home

    You and everyone else in your household (where appropriate) needs to remain at home. Do not go to work, school, or public areas, and do not use public transport or taxis.

    Yours sincerely


    Miss M Michael


  • Getting Tested for Coronavirus (COVID-19)

    Thu 10 Sep 2020
    You can get tested for coronavirus:

    - if you you have coronavirus symptoms (a high temperature, a new, continuous cough, or a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste)
    - if you have been told to have a test before you go into hospital
    - for your employer to enable you to return to work

    Walk-through testing centre locations:

    The Mosses Centre, Cecil Street, Bury BL9 0SB
    Chesham Fold, 95 Chesham Fold Road, Bury BL9 6JZ
    Metro Christian Centre, 13 Parkhills Road, Bury BL9 9AU (from 14 September 2020)
    Whitefield Library, Pinfold Lane, Whitefield M45 7NH (from 11 September 2020)

    Opening times for all walk-through centres are as follows.

    10am to 3pm Monday to Friday

    Further information is available by visiting: