What a great start back Nursery! This week we have started our new topic about ‘People who help us within our community’. Nursery have started to look at the book ‘A superhero like you’ this week to start our topic off. Nursery were amazing at recognising the different job roles we have within our community.
Nursery enjoyed exploring our new topic in our role play corner. Miss Latham turned our role play corner into a school. Nursery enjoyed being a teacher and taught some exciting lessons in the school for their students. Well Done Nursery!
This week, we have been looking at the number 3. Nursery are amazing at recognising number 3 and are able to count up to 3 objects. This is amazing!
To celebrate the new year and new beginnings. Nursery enjoyed discussing about celebrating the new year and we have been looking at New Years resolutions. Nursery created their own wands with wishes what they would like to do this year. Nursery have mentioned they would like to help their families at home to cook and clean. Some of the children have mentioned they would like to be always be kind to their friends and families.
What a great week Nursery we have had this week!