What a great week we have had in Nursery of starting off our Autumn 2 term. This week’s book is ‘The Happy Pumpkin’ and the Nursery have enjoyed reading and listening to this story. We have got involved in many different activities around our story this week. Nursery even got to carve their own happy pumpkins for us to display in Nursery. They looked amazing! 🎃
In Maths this week, Nursery have been looking at sorting different shapes, colours and sizes into different groups. Nursery were amazing at sorting out the different objects into their correct groups. Well Done Nursery!
Nursery have been looking at different pumpkin emotions this week. Nursery were amazing at recognising the different emotions and had a good try and drawing the different emotions of each pumpkin. They looked fantastic!
On Friday, Nursery really enjoyed learning about the Hindu festival of Diwali. Nursery got involved in different Diwali activities and made some amazing diva lamps.
Well Done Nursery for a great week back into St Luke’s.