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Week 6

This week has been another action packed week in Reception! In Drawing Club we have been reading Oliver's Vegetables. As a treat on Friday, Mrs Green bought lots of vegetables and brought in her soup maker for us to have a go at making our own vegetable soup!!! In Art and PSHE, we read The Colour Monster and talked about our feelings, linking them to different colours. We decided on yellow for happy, green for calm, pink for love, black for scared and red for angry. We then created our own mood paintings. We have had lots of fun playing and working together as a team. In the outdoor area we spent most of the morning building bridges and walkways together and travelling along them. We had to use our problem solving skills when we met someone walking from another direction!

Drawing Club Oliver's Vegetables

Oliver's Vegetables | Story About Healthy Eating For Children | Learn From Home | Read Aloud

Preparing our vegetable soup

Mood Paintings

Outdoor Fun
