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Week 4

This week, Nursery have enjoyed guessing what our story is going to be about this week. Nursery came into someone who has been baking in our kitchen. Nursery were amazing at guessing it right. Our book this week is ‘The Gingerbread Man’. Nursery have enjoyed acting out the different characters within the story. 

Our sound of the week is the ‘p’ sound. Nursery were amazing at recognising what the letter formation looks like for the initial sound and had a good try at writing some words with the sounds that we have been looking at in Nursery! 

On Thursday, Nursery really enjoyed their ‘Move Up Day’. They got to explore both Reception Classes and had the opportunity to interact with both Reception Teachers. Thank you for letting Nursery come and see you both Mrs Green and Mrs Fisher! We can’t wait for September! 

On Friday, Nursery really enjoyed making their own gingerbread men linking to our story this week. Nursery were amazing at following each step in the recipe and worked amazing together as a team! 

What a great week we had in Nursery! 

The Gingerbread Man

Our sound this week!

Moving Up Day!

Baking our gingerbread men!
