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Week 5

Nursery have had an another exciting week this week. Nursery have enjoyed reading our story ‘Aladdin’. Nursery have been exploring the different objects that are found within the story. Nursery really enjoyed making wishes with the magic lamp and even had a go at flying on our magic carpet. 

This week, our sound of the week is the ‘i’ sound. Nursery were amazing at recognising what the letter formation looks like for the initial sound and had a good try at writing our new sound this week! Well Done Nursery! 

On Thursday, Nursery got involved in their own ‘Sports Day’. Nursery had a go at taking part in different races and working together as a team. You were all great! 

Nursery also enjoyed taking part in the whole school voting and learnt how important voting is. We went to the polling station and put our votes in the ballot box. 
