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Week 3

What a great week we have had in Nursery. On Monday, Nursery had a go at making their own cup of tea with Reception. Nursery were amazing at following each step to make our own cup of tea and we were very lucky to have a biscuit with it. 

This week in Nursery, our sound of the week is the ‘t’ sound. Nursery were amazing at recognising what the letter formation looks like for the initial sound and had a good try at writing our new sound this week! Well Done Nursery! 

Nursery has enjoyed watching our caterpillars grow and looking at the difference to how they looked when they arrived to what they look like now. Nursery are excited as our caterpillars are ready to start the next stage in their life cycle! 

In our guided draw this week, Nursery have come up with different objects and things to draw beginning with the initial sound (t). We are making excellent progress in our pencil control. Mrs Green was very impressed! 

On Friday, Nursery really enjoyed making their own crown linking to our current topic about ‘fairytales’. Nursery used a wide range of materials to create their crown. They looked amazing Nursery! 

Making our own tea!

Our new sound this week!

Seeing our caterpillars growing!

Our guided draw!

Creating our own crown 👑
