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Week 1

Nursery have enjoyed starting their new topic of ‘Fairy Tales’ this week. The children have enjoyed dressing up as different fairytale characters and creating their own fairytale stories. This week book is focused on the traditional fairy tale ‘Cinderella’. 

We have introduced our new topic of learning all about initial sounds within our Phonics. Nursery were amazing at recognising what the sound looks like and had a good try and writing our new sound this week. Our sound this week is the ‘S’ sound. 

In our guided draw, Nursery have come up with different objects and things to draw beginning with the initial sound (S). We are making excellent progress in our pencil control. Well Done Nursery! 

In our maths this week, we have been looking at numbers up to 5 and looking at which number comes before or after. You were amazing at recognising what number is missing on our number line. 

What a great start to our Summer 2 Term Nursery! 

Our new topic ‘Fairy Tales’

Introducing our new sound!

Our Guided Draw!

Our Maths this week!
