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Key Dates Summer 2

Key Dates – Summer Term 2

Welcome back for our final half term of this school year – it’s going to be a busy one!



Week commencing 4th June – Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check (for 2 weeks)

Thursday 6th June – New to Reception Parent Meetings

Tuesday 11th June – Year 2 visit to Heaton Park

Tuesday 11th June – Reception Green visiting St Peter’s Church (PM)

Thursday 13th June – 2M Class Assembly (9.00am)

Thursday 13th June – Petting Zoo visiting Nursery

Friday 14th June – EYFS Special Person Event

Friday 14th June – Art Day/Non- Uniform – Save the Children Charity

Monday 17th June – Year 6 Leavers’ Service at Manchester Cathedral (Afternoon)

Tuesday 18th June – Reception Stay and Play (New to Reception)

Thursday 20th June – 4A Class Assembly

Monday 24th June – Art Exhibition

Tuesday 25th June – Year 5/6 Puberty Talk with School Nurse

Tuesday 25th June - Reception Stay and Play (new to Reception)

Wednesday 26th June – Year 4 visit to St Peter’s Church

Thursday 27th June – Transition to new class day



Monday 1st July – Year 2 Road Safety

Monday 1st July – Year 5 Road Safety

Monday 1st July – EYFS & KS1 Sports Day (morning)

Tuesday 2nd July – Year 2 Road Safety

Tuesday 2nd July – Year 5 Road Safety

Tuesday 2nd July – KS2 Sports Day (morning)

Week commencing 8th July – Last week of After School Clubs

Tuesday 9th July – 6C Class Assembly

Tuesday 9th July – Nursery Stay and Play

Tuesday 9th July – Parent Drop-in sessions for reports

Tuesday 9th July – Year 6 Trip to Putt Stars (afternoon)

Thursday 11th July – 6H Class Assembly

Monday 15th July – Reception Graduation

Tuesday 16th July – T Factor

Wednesday 17th July – St Peter’s Church Service (morning)

Thursday 18th July – Reception Pirate Day

Thursday 18th July – Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly

Thursday 18th July – School closes for Summer at 3:15pm.


Attendance Prizes will take place this half term – more details to follow!



