1stApril 2020
Dear Parents/Carers,
Please find below a lovely message from one of our School Governors, Mrs Dickerson.
Dear Parents/Carers,
I am writing to you during what you will all agree is a very difficult time for us all. We are all facing challenges we have never faced before and are not sure when we will return to normal.
As a governor and member of staff at St.Luke's I am incredibly proud of how the school staff have responded to this situation. From the Senior Leadership Team through to the Caretaking & Cleaning Team every single member of staff has risen to this challenge with one aim - to do the best for the children and to keep them safe!
Resources for home learning are lovingly created and published on a daily basis for the children hoping that they can continue to learn whilst at home.
This is a very challenging time for us all,we must all do our best to stay positive and keep our children happy and healthy.
Special thanks has to be given to the wonderful staff from Edstart and Technola who have been looking after the children who have needed to access the emergency childcare in school. It is clear from the feedback from Mrs Holt that you are ensuring our children are having as much fun as they can. After reading Mrs Holt's feedback - I want to attend the childcare provision! We are incredibly grateful to be able to work with such dedicated and caring providers. THANK YOU!
I wish each and every one of you all the best for the upcoming weeks and I cannot wait until the day we are all back in our wonderful school together.
Stay Safe.
Kindest Regards
Mrs Dickerson
Staff Governor
Kind Regards
Miss M Michael