This is a reminder to all parents and carers about how they can communicate with key staff at St. Luke’s.
If a parent or carer has any queries, questions, concerns, worries or ideas, there are several ways that they can contact staff.
School is able to offer bi-lingual support through Mrs Naz in the school office and across school with other support staff if it is needed. You can request bi-lingual support via the school office.
If you want to speak to your child’s class teacher to share information or if you have a query (e.g. reading books or homework) or you want to ask about the curriculum you can do this using Class Dojo. Alternatively you could contact the school office to ask for an appointment with your child’s class teacher, appointments can be face to face or over the telephone.
If you would like to raise a concern or worry about your child’s progress you can again contact the class teacher. Alternatively you may wish to speak to someone else so you can contact the Headteacher or the Deputy Headteacher. This can be done via the school office either in person, over the telephone or via the school email.
If you have a general enquiry about school you can contact the school office either in person, over the telephone, or via the school email, and our team will be happy to help.
As a school we always want to hear from you, we want to know your views, we want to hear your ideas, we want you to know that you can contact us to find out how your child is doing with their learning. We want you to tell us what is going well, but we also want you to tell us when you feel something is not going well. It is always important that you let us know at the time that you feel something is not going well so that we can help.
We always ensure to fully deal with any worries or concerns raised as soon as possible and make sure that families are updated. Whilst we always strive for a successful outcome when concerns are raised sometimes it may not be the outcome that is wanted. If this was ever the case the school has a complaints procedure which is available on our school website. The procedure explains how a parent/carer may want to complain, how they can complain and how a complaint would be dealt with.