Return to School March 2021
I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for all the dedication shown to online learning during this lockdown. We do not underestimate how challenging this has been, not only for the children but also all of the parents and carers who have supported them. We are incredibly proud of everything that the children have achieved during this lockdown both in school and at home.
With the announcement that all pupils would be returning to school on March 8th 2021 we have been working hard to plan how we welcome all our children back safely in line with the guidance that has been given.
To help staff in their final preparations for the return of all children on Monday 8th there will be no live lessons on Friday 5th March 2021. Work will be set on Class Dojo or Tapestry for your children to complete on that day.
The government have confirmed that children’s attendance in school will be mandatory from Monday 8th March so all children will be expected back unless they are shielding or unwell. If your child is shielding due to being clinically extremely vulnerable we ask that you notify the school office by email as soon as possible. Any other absences must be reported in the normal way via the school office.
Many of the measures that were in place last term will remain in place as per the updated guidance from the government including:
Children will be expected to return in full school uniform where possible.
We ask that children do not bring rucksacks with them as we do not have space to store them – all children will be required to bring a book bag. Children will also need to bring with them a water bottle that they must take home to be cleaned every day. All children must bring a suitable coat to school every day.
The school kitchen will be open as normal with hot meals provided for those who require them. If you wish your child to have a packed lunch please send this in with them on the first day. School meals remain at £2.30 per day - £11.50 per week. School dinner monies must be placed in the white post-box outside the school office in an envelope with your child’s name and class on.
The school office will remain closed to parents and carers until further notice. If you need to contact school you can do so by telephone or email.
After school clubs will resume for Key Stage Two week commencing 22nd March with further details to follow.
For those families who have loaned a school laptop/device, we ask that these are returned to school on Monday 8th March.
The one way system around school remains in place to ensure social distancing amongst adults can continue. We would like to encourage all of our older children (KS2) to enter the school premises unaccompanied by their adult to further minimise people on school grounds. Staff will be on hand to direct and supervise.
To help us to reduce the number of people on school grounds we are going to keep the staggered start and end times and we are asking that only one parent/carer drops off and collects their child. Masks must be worn at all times when on school grounds unless you are exempt from wearing one.
Start/End times:
The children in Year 1, Year 2, Year, 5, and Year 6 start school at 8:50am, with access to school premises from 8:45am. We ask that children are in their classrooms by 8:55am. Any children arriving after this time will have to be taken to the school office.
The children in Reception, Year 3 and Year 4 can enter school premises from 9:00am and we ask that they are in their classrooms by 9:10am. Any children arriving after this time will have to be taken to the school office. Please support us with the staggered start times by ensuring your child arrives at school on time.
Nursery AM – 8:50am start with 11:50am finish - Entry and collection from classroom door.
Nursery PM – 12:15am start with 3:15pm finish - Entry and collection from classroom door.
Nursery FT– 8:50am start with 3:15pm finish - Entry and collection from classroom door.
Reception - will start at 9:00am and finish at 3:25pm – Entry and collection through classroom doors.
Year 1 will start at 8.50am and finish at 3:15pm - Entry and collection through classroom doors.
Year 2 will start at 8.50am and finish at 3:15pm - Entry and collection through classroom doors.
Year 3 will start at 9:00am and finish at 3:25pm - Entry through the front playground doors and exit through the Year 1 classrooms.
Year 4 will start at 9:00am and finish at 3:25pm -Entry through the main office and exit through Year 2 classrooms.
Year 5 will start at 8:50am and finish at 3:15pm – Entry and exit through the classroom doors.
Year 6 will start at 8:50am and finish at 3:15pm – Entry and exit through the front playground doors.
We are really looking forward to welcoming everybody back into school on Monday 8th March. Once again I would like to thank you all for your continued support during the ongoing pandemic.
Kind Regards