Dear Parents/Carers,
New Academic Year Updates – September 2021
I hope you have all had a relaxing and enjoyable summer break.
As we prepare to return to school next week please find below some information about the school day and an update on self-isolation that will hopefully be helpful to you.
School Day
- All children from Reception to Year Six will return to school on Thursday 2nd September 2021. (Nursery children have all been given start dates from 7th September onwards). Children will no longer be in “bubbles”.
- There will no longer be staggered start or end times, all children will start school at 8:50am and finish at 3:15pm, with the exception of part time Nursery children.
- Children in Nursery, Reception, Year One, Year Two and Year 5 can be dropped off and collected from their classroom doors.
- Children in Year Three, Year Four and Year Six can enter school through either the doors on the front playground or the doors next to the Sports Hall. Children in these year groups can be collected from the front playground at 3:15pm (Weather permitting).
- For any children in Year Five and Year Six that will be walking home we will need new permission from parents/carers for this.
- All children are expected to return to school in full school uniform. Please make sure your child brings a coat to school every day.
- School will continue to follow the enhanced processes we have in place around ventilation and hand washing.
One-way System/Masks/Meetings
- There will no longer be a one-way system around school, you can enter and exit school using any of the gates.
- Masks are no longer required but you are welcome to still wear one if you wish.
- All parent/carer meetings will now take place in school where necessary.
School Office
- The school office will re-open to parents/carers on 2nd September. It will be open from 8:15am until 4:15pm (4:00pm on a Friday) and the office team will be more than happy to help you with any questions you may have.
Update on Self-Isolation Requirements/Unwell Children
- Children are no longer required to self-isolate if they are identified as a close contact, this includes if a family member tests positive for COVID-19. This also means that should there be a positive case in a class we would no longer need to send the whole class home to isolate.
- Anyone identified as a close contact is advised to have a PCR test. They do not need to isolate whilst awaiting the test result.
- Children should not come into school if they have any symptoms of COVID -19. If a child presents as unwell in school with COVID-19 symptoms we will contact a parent/carer to come and collect them. A parent/carer must arrange a PCR test for their child and the child must remain at home until they receive the test result. If the test is negative they can return to school once they are well. If the test is positive they must complete the 10 day isolation period.
- The main symptoms of COVID-19 are still listed as a new continual cough, a temperature in excess of 37.8 or a change in their normal sense of taste or smell. Wider symptoms of COVID-19 in children also include headache, diarrhoea, severe fatigue and sore throat.
- Please notify the school office as soon as possible if your child is going to be absent from school.
I look forward to welcoming you all back into school for our new academic year.
Kind Regards
Miss M Michael