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Message from one of our governors

Dear parents , carers and children


Hello, essalamou alaykum, shalom


I hope this email of mine will find you in a good health.


You are probably like myself stuck at home with the children trying to ensure everyone remains healthy and safe. I know all the children miss the school. It hurts me to see them going without a school but this is unfortunately beyond all our means.


With this in mind, may I please take this opportunity as a parent governor to remind myself first of all and all parents and carers to remind their children of the importance of keeping up with their online teaching tasks. They are very instructive and really interesting. I take part too with my child Reading Eggpress.


I agree this is an exceptional situation which requires exceptional measures. 


The school is working hard to keep on track with the children homework 


My children are finding the reading eggs, mathletics together with the already provided homework very constructive indeed and they try to spend some time each day doing that.


Let us work together while we hope that the solution to the current health issue be found as soon as possible and we could revert to normality sooner rather than later.


I hope to see you all very soon


Kindest regards 


Mourad Kemmar 

Parent governor
