Dear Parents/Carers,
Free School Meal Vouchers
As you will have seen from previous communications the Government have set up a voucher system to enable us to provide vouchers to the families that are entitled to benefit led Free School Meals.
There are some children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 that may be entitled to these vouchers but they have not registered for Free School Meals as their child is already being given a free meal under the Universal Infant Free School Meals Scheme.
There may also be children in Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 that are not claiming Free School Meals, as they did not know they are entitled.
If you are in receipt of one of the following benefits you will be able to claim Free School Meals, which will mean you can then be sent Free School Meal vouchers whilst school is closed. These vouchers will be worth £15 per child per week for all new vouchers from next week. (School will be issuing vouchers very soon to cover the Easter Break).
If you get Working Tax Credits you will not be eligible unless you are receiving the four week 'run on' payment after stopping work.
To apply for Free School Meals you need to go to the Bury Council website and select the “Schools and Learning” section in that section click on “School Meals” and then select “Free School Meals.” On this page is all the information you will need alongside a link to apply for Free School Meals.
If your application is successful school will be notified and we will issue the vouchers as soon as possible.
Kind Regards
Miss M Michael