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Contacting School After Thursday.

Dear Parents/Carers,


Thank you for all your support and help this term. I appreciate that the changes to start and end time along with other parts of our risk assessment have caused disruption to families. I look forward to the time when school will be able to operate fully without these additional constraints.


As it’s the last day on Thursday 17thDecember for your children being in school we would like to reassure you that, in line with government guidance, school staff will continue to check the St Luke’s email address in order that any information that needs to be sent out to year group bubbles can be done so promptly.


If your child tests positive for COVID-19, having developed symptoms within 48hrs (Friday 18thDecember or Saturday 19thDecember) of being in school you must notify us via the school email that we can identify close contacts and advise them to self-isolate for the appropriate period of time. This is because your child may have been infectious whilst they were in school. The school will continue to report positive cases that affect school to Public Health.


Although the emails will be checked daily up to and including until 23rdDecember we ask that you email us as soon as possible so that we can notify families quickly. If we do need to inform families that children need to isolate we will do this via email so please ensure that you check your emails regularly. If you have changed your email address recently and not let school know can you please contact the school office before the end of tomorrow to update it.


We wish you all a relaxing, calm and safe Christmas and New Year.


Kind Regards



Miss M Michael

