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Cancellation of Events

Dear Parents/Carers,


Events in School


In an attempt to reduce the possible spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) within our school community we have today made the decision to postpone all upcoming events between now and the Easter Break.


Until the Easter Break we will no longer be holding whole school assemblies to reduce the opportunities for the virus to spread through school.


Please find below a list of all events that are now postponed until further notice.


19th March 2020 – Year 1 Class Assembly


17th March 2020 – Year 6 Crucial Crew


17th March 2020 – Panathlon Event


24th March 2020 – Whole School Parents’ Evening


30th March 2020 - 2B Road Safety


31st March 2020 - 2F Road Safety


3rd April 2020 - Rhema Theatre


The planned Wild Tribe sessions on 18th March, 25th March and 1st April are also now postponed until further notice.


The decision to postpone all the above events is not one that has been made easily but as a school we have to do everything we can to reduce the spread of the virus amongst our children and the wider community.


As a school we are still very much following the Public Health England Guidance thoroughly and are actively ensuring hands are washed and hand sanitiser is used.


Further to our letter on Friday should your child develop a new continuous cough and/or high temperature they must remain at home for a period of at least seven days. Should your child show any of these symptoms in school we will contact you and ask you to collect them immediately.


Yours sincerely


Miss M Michael

