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End of Year Events/Uniform Swap

3rd July 2019


Dear Parents/Carers,


End of Year Events 2019/Uniform Swap 2019


As we enter the final stages of the school year it is very busy with many events organised for children both on and off school premises.


Please find below an updated list of all confirmed events that are coming up over the next half term.


  • Year 4 trip to the Sealife Centre – Thursday 4th July 2019


  • Year 6 trip to The Arcade Club – Friday 5th July 2019


  • Bikeability (Year 6) – Monday 8th July – Thursday 11th July 2019


  • Year 1 trip to Blackpool – Tuesday 9th July 2019


  • Year Six Leavers’ Service – Tuesday 16th July 2019 – 9:15am


  • Year Six Prom – Tuesday 16th July 2019 2:00pm – 4:30pm


  • Church Service at St. Peter’s Church– Wednesday 17th July 2019, 9:30am


  • The T-Factor - Thursday 18th July 2019.


  • Sports Day – Friday 19th July 9:30am (Reception/Key Stage One/Key Stage Two).

Uniform Swap Event 2019


Do you ever wonder what to do with your children’s uniform at the end of the school year? Not sure where to send it? This year we are going to try something new to support our families. We are asking families to bring in any pre-loved uniform that is in a good condition (washed please) that we can pass on to other families or keep in school as spare uniform. To enable you to bring in uniform we are asking that in return for a £1 donation children wear their sports clothes on Friday 19th July. Uniform can be dropped off at the school office anytime between now and 9:00am on Friday 19th July 2019.


Parents/Carers will then have the opportunity to visit the main school hall during the morning, before and after Sports Day to take any items they will be able to use in the following school year. The hall will have tables laid out with uniform laid out by age to make it easier to find what you want.


We will post regular updates about events on our new communication app Parenthub. If you have not already downloaded the app there are instructions available all around school or you can contact the school office for help.


Yours sincerely




Miss M Michael

